Professional Photography by WoofPack Photography
Notable AKC Wins:
11/9/17 Best of Breed Veterans Sweepstakes, SDCCS, Judge Cynthia Hutt
11/10/16 1st Open Chocolate, SDCCS, Judge Diane Pilbin (Chucklebrook)
11/10/16 BOS Veterans Sweeps, SDCCS, Judge Andrew MacArthur
11/5/2015 Best of Breed Veterans Sweepstakes, SDCCS, Judge Cynthia Hutt
9/29/2012 2nd BBE, LRCGD, Judge Barbara Gilcrest (Blackthorn)
9/23/2012 RWD/1st BBE, Arapahoe KC, Judge Lewis W Bayne
10/3/2010 1st Open Chocolate, LRC Greater Denver, Judge Sally Bell (Borador)
9/25/2010 RWD/1st BBE, Arapahoe KC, Judge Robert Shreve
8/22/2010 RWD/1st Open Chocolate, Greeley KC, Judge Lewis W Bayne
(CH Epochs Bacardi Joe Banner x URO2 Wynmar's Just Like Heaven BN RE WC CGC)